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Don't work for money.

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 7:58 pm
by Rookie50
Ok, that was blatant click bait title.

This is a thought I'm copying from another thread I posted it on, for the new pilots out there.

Hopefully a few get it.

Two thoughts that came to me recently:

First, we can all choose to live our lives as creators or critics. Not both.

And -- if one chooses to work and create (in aviation or elsewhere) solely for money as a motivation -- that will be the only reward given.

Follow your passion, and money will (easily) follow as a byproduct, along with many more priceless rewards. Doors will open. Trust me.

How do you know? (Your true passion?) If you would do it for free. (Not that I'm advocating that, AvCan!)

If you no longer have that passion, and you can leave, it's time to do so. Find a new dream.

This is the way I've attempted to live my professional life.

Kudos to those with the courage to create and innovate, and follow true passion.

Re: Don't work for money.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 7:07 pm
by PropToFeather
Solid advice. I'd add a couple of things:
- Do it if your dreams and passions are attainable.
- Money is not necessarily a consequence of following your dreams (ie: all my artist friends)
- It's perfectly fine to work for money for (brief) periods, while (actively) working on your passion.

Re: Don't work for money.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 3:59 pm
by redlaser
OK not for money, but how about bitcoins,

Re: Don't work for money.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 11:31 pm
by Meddler
What a nice sentiment. Follow your passion and money will follow.

Pretty optimistic. More like: follow your passion, and if you are actually that passionate about it you will make it work with what money you get.

Re: Don't work for money.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 10:25 pm
by moocow
I'm debating that right now myself as Hong Kong Government Flying Service is recuriting cadets right now. I'm almost 35 and I don't really want to stuck working in HK for the next 10 years. The place is too expensive and starting to be socially unstable. I don't see how I cannot work for money in a city like that and then not be able to return to Canada as a pilot because the low total hours.